Saturday, September 6, 2008

Book Worm

One of my most favourite things to do is read. It's been that way as long as I can remember. Since pledging to read my way - systematically - through my parents' extensive book shelf at the age of 8, books have been my friends, passion and stimulants. I was the kid who played librarian, had a book repair kit, spent all of my extra money buying books, and over the years, amassed a huge collection.

I lovingly saved all of my childhood favourites for my own future children - none of who were terribly interested in the old, musty volumes - most of which were not illustrated. My family and friends fed my passion by begifting me the latest and greatest from my favourites authors. Eventually I began to run out of space to display and store these treasures. The day came when I had to decide exactly what were the timeless treasures (keepers) and what were just " good reads". My " Hand of God" bookshelf was borne.

Funny enough, I am not religious, however I am deeply spiritual. I have extensive collections of my favourite genres - auto/biographies - as well inspirational writings from Og Mandino, Richard Bach, Leo Buscalgia, Norman Vincent Peale, Ghandi, and a host of other wonderful writers. I place these treasures in a dedicated bookshelf that also holds my special treasures and keepsakes. It is truly satisfying.

Now the bad news .... I have sadly outgrown the three thrifty shelves and my collection is spread about the house like foster children awaiting permanent homes. I have decided I want a library of my very own. Don't tell the dining room though ... mutiny must be avoided.

I can't help feeling that for the 4 times a year our dining room is filled to overflowing with family as we celebrate the holidays and special occasions - the room is underused and somewhat neglected. The side wall begs for floor to ceiling built-ins with even a sliding ladder to assist with the retrieval of those volumes stored in the highest of places. My husband reminded me that our ceilings are low enough that he can reach the highest shelf without need of a ladder - but what is a library without a ladder???

Anyway - enough chatter about that. Only time will tell if the inner book worm within my will win out ... I can hear Leo's poignant verses calling from the spare bedroom ... YES Please!

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