Sunday, November 30, 2008

Mothers and Daughters

I was sitting in the food court yesterday with eldest daughter, chatting happily away, content in the moments I was sharing with her. We spotted an elderly lady sitting at a table close by, patiently waiting for her lunch. Daughter told me that she sees the lady often with her daughter and that they go to the mall every week. Out of no where my throat clenched, my eyes welled up and tears (the big fat kind) escaped my temporarily abandoned guard. I was flooded with "missing" and memories ... memories of times spent with my beloved grandmother; trips to the mall I had taken with my own mother; resignation to the knowledge that was, will never be again. My heart swelled with longing... and the controls to my emotions were hijacked.

I sat staring at my bewildered daughter as I tried to regain my composure and watched her eyes fill as well. I explained that I was remembering my mother and grandmother and how much I had loved spending time with my mom; that I was sad that I would never again have trips with her to the mall (or anywhere for that matter).

She got up and came over to put her arms around me and comfort me. And in that split second it became clear; there would be trips to the mall for a mother and daughter in my future.

I had the privilege of coming from amazing, strong women and now I have three such women that have come from me. I have so much ...

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