Thursday, January 22, 2009

Power of Influence & Love

If I was looking for inspiration after a somewhat uninspiring day, I found it in the movie Slumdog Millionaire. In the film, a contestant in the Indian version of "So You Want to Be a Millionaire" is arrested for suspicion of cheating after answering all of the questions correctly. During questioning the contestant reveals how events and moments from his life shaped his future and imparted wisdom.

It got me thinking about how we are shaped by our early beginnings - childhood - and the people in it. They help influence our thinking, our values and how we perceive ourselves. In grade school my music teacher convinced me that I had talent; that I could be a featured soloist of the band - if I practiced daily. Funny thing was, I only knew 4 notes on my brass instrument! But - I had a destiny - a talent. I lugged that baritone (small tuba) home and treated my saintly parents to daily random collections of notes! I worked hard and got to be very accomplished and a soloist - all because someone else thought I had greatness in me.

Years later, that very same teacher laughed when I told him how he had inspired me with his belief in me. He confessed that at the time he thought I was tone deaf and pretty much hopeless but -needing a baritone player for the band - he said whatever he thought would get me practicing. A lifelong myth - debunked! But it showed me the power others can yield - if we allow it. This can work both ways - positively and negatively. I shudder to think of the consequences if that same teacher had suggested that I drop music ...

I think the same principle applies to love. We learn how to love from those who loved us as children. My parents were generous with their love to me and my siblings, raising us in a home filled with affection and love expressed - between our parents, and shared amongst us. Hugs and kisses were bountiful and as a parent, I imitated those expressions with my own children. Unconditional love can make everything seems possible and strengthen our armour of self worth.

But what of those who are not so fortunate? They navigate life's rocky channels without the confidence of knowing; but rather, hoping - accumulating know-how with earned experience.

We learn how to love and if we are very blessed, we get taught by the best. I am grateful I was.

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