Monday, February 28, 2011

March On

It is inconceivable to me that there are but moments left in February. It is a short month to begin with  - however the days and weeks are but a blur; a blur of flurries, snow storms, rain, and melts. A month of frigid winter laced with temperate spring like weather. And now it is almost behind me. Time is gaining momentum with every year, and the winters that used to seem endless now are over barely before I can get acclimatized.

But I admit I will be embracing March head on, full body squeeze and a pinch in the cheek. For me, March signals good things on the way - S P R I N G!

So s'long February. Thanks for the snow day and a couple of truly spectacular, magical winterscapes. I could have done without the freezing rain and white knuckle commutes but we can put that behind us now. At the risk of being pushy and rude, I am happy to hold the door open for you and see you off - and resist a gentle kick in the behind to help you on your way. It was a slice.

March on!

1 comment:

  1. I can't agree with this any more. I am SO ready for spring!! Green grass, blue skies and sunshine. :)
